Manual therapy

For the treatment, I would like to visit your home. This can be carried out on the floor or possibly, with smaller animals, on a table. It is very important for the dog that the owner is present during the treatment. Other animals are preferably kept separate for a while, so that the work can be performed in a quiet environment. Also make sure that your dog is neatly dry and clean; this makes working pleasant for everyone. I will ask you, as owner or caretaker, some questions about the dog's problems, about his / her behavior and about the living conditions (including nutrition). Your dog will then be physically examined by palpation. I may also want to see the animal move.
Depending on the complaints, the duration of the treatment will last about three quarters of an hour. Advice will be given on a possible temporary rest period for the animal. In some cases (guard dogs, aggressive animals due to pain) it may be advisable to provide a suitable muzzle for your dog for the duration of the treatment so that work can be done safely

Phytotherapy, Homeopathy

For these treatments you have a choice. I can come to your house, where I will see the dog and ask you, as owner or caregiver, questions as described in the 'manual therapy'. However, you can also send a photo of the animal by email, with a description of the problems and / or discuss the problems with me by telephone. Based on this you will receive advice from me for treatment with the remedies or supplements that I believe can be used.
If you are not sure if I can be of any help to your horse, please contact me to discuss this without any obligation.


When our French buldog had a double hernia with severe paralysis symptoms and a lot of pain and medication did not help, our vet referred us to Katja. Katja came immediately and helped our dog. After a few days he was free of complaints and pain. Katja also treated him with very good results against epilepsy and for a sprained leg. Without Katja we probably wouldn't have had our dog anymore.
Family Weltens